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Project Highrise – November 2015 Architect’s Notes

The love of glory gives an immense stimulus.
– Ovid

In addition to the workers and residents that you’ll see day in and day out, your tower will also start to attract visitors from the city at large. Businesses like this newsstand will draw in shoppers to leaf through the latest issues. Once they’re done, they might want to grab a coffee or quick drink while they read their purchases.


Also, some of your businesses will begin to draw in clients, patients and colleagues from the city for appointment and meetings. Once the appointment is concluded, they may grab lunch. Or if the meeting wraps up, it may be time to head to the bar to continue discussions over a beer.

If a visitor to your building had a great experience, then there’s a chance their visit will generate a buzz point or two. Once your buzz total reaches a high enough level, you’ll be able to leverage your building’s popularity and notoriety into coverage in the media by launching a campaign.  

What’s the buzz? (click for larger)

Media campaigns will last a set period of time and during that time, you’ll be able to reap certain benefits – cheaper construction costs, reduced utility bills or increased restaurant patronage. As you gain experience, campaigns will progress and become more powerful.  

Broken elevators are bad news.(click for larger)

So keep a sharp eye on your residents, workers and visitors. Make sure that they can get to where they need to go efficiently. Keep you building in good repair. Ensure that your restaurants and retail outlets aren’t getting mobbed. Put up some nice artwork here and there. You’ll find a happy building is a profitable building.