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Project Highrise – May 2015 Architect’s Notes

A world which sees art and engineering as divided is not seeing the world as a whole. Sir Edmund Happold

Let’s continue to meet the people that will work in your Project Highrise skyscraper.

Meet the crew.

Last month, we introduced the office workers of Project Highrise. Now let’s meet the construction workers:

construction-female construction-male

One of your main jobs in Project Highrise will be as general contractor of your growing tower. These hardworking men and women are at your beck and call everyday. It’s their job to build everything in your new tower – from floors to elevators to offices to pipes. It will be up to you to manage this crew and determine the what, where, when and how of the tower’s construction.

Starting out from scratch on a brand new skyscraper, you’ll be presented with empty ground. And a construction trailer. This is where your construction team will be based as your skyscraper rises. If you have nothing for your team to do or your cash flow is a little light that day, they’ll be found hanging out here, going over blueprints and examining coffee cups.


So, exactly how do you build a skyscraper?

Floor by floor.

Before you can ink that first deal for an office rental or welcome your first resident, you’ll need a strong steel floor to hold it all up. Individual floor tiles are the foundation of your tower in Project Highrise. Once you’ve marked out your first piece of floor your crew will start building them piece by piece.

You’ve got floor.

Now that your crew has completed construction of a section of floor, you’ve got to decide what to do with it. Is it going to be office space? Part of your food court? A hotel room? A penthouse apartment?

You divide up space on your newly-built floor and the “Coming Soon” signs spring up.  Your team of construction tradespeople will arrive to start turning raw concrete, exposed conduit, and bare iron beams into places for people to live and work.

With the build-out of the space completed, it will be ready to start generating income for your tower. You’ll depend on the rent from offices and apartments and the income generated by restaurants, services and hotels to finance your growing tower.