City of Gangsters: Shadow Government and five Outfit content packs are now available!

In our new expansion pack City of Gangsters: Shadow Government you’ll be welcomed into the densest map yet, New York. Home to some of the most famous city halls, the city is bustling with politicians. Use seed money from your businesses to nominate a council member of your choosing and then plan out events with your new ‘friend’. If they win the precinct vote, then it’s time for a little compensation.
Shadow Government unlocks politics in every city. Every two in-game years the opportunity arises to get a puppet into office. This takes place over four stages:
Visit your local political office and take your pick. Will you support the nobody trying to break out onto the scene for a few bucks, or flash your cash and get last year’s winner in your pocket?
Your nominee is going to need a lot of backing to win the vote. Swing by their home to discuss a battle plan and use your finite budget to ensure the public falls for your puppet.
Election day:
The big day. Have you backed a winner, watch the votes come in and see who now holds the political power.
With your nominee in office, you are able to get your say. Enact, or repeal, laws to further grow your business into a powerhouse.
New Outfit Content Packs

Our five Ethnic Outfit content packs are also now available. While each is a little different, they all allow you to bring a slice of home to the streets of the USA. Produce cigarettes when playing as an English Outfit. Utilize your armored car while playing as Italians. Or even celebrate a Volksfest as Germans. The Irish Outfits can manufacture new types of whiskey. And Polish Outfits can engage in some events to support fellow countrymen and includes some new booze production. Every Outfit content pack comes with a new UI design flourish, new production module, new legacy goal and more!